Friday, September 3, 2010


today i was fortunate to meet up with an old friend from high school. jenette and i could not remember if we had seen each other after i left to go to germany shortly before our senior year of high school. which was 8 years ago. cause we were both pretty sure that we haven't actually connected since then.

which makes me feel really old.

it was enjoyable to see her and meet her precocious little girl. who is adorable.

but it was kinda awkward to try to catch up on all that has happened in the past 8 years. cause what do you say?

here's basically my story:
"oh, yeah, my year in germany was fun. but we don't have too much time to talk about all that i did or saw or learned. and then i spent four years at college. and then i went off to seminary. and i was on internship working full time at a church. and now i have a year left before i'm finally done with school. pretty boring life, really. except for all the cool places i've traveled to, of course."

so much gets left out. because i could spent hours upon hours talking about the people i've encountered. or describe some of the beauty that i've seen in my travels across the world. or about some of the things i've experienced as i've grown older and prepare for ministry.

but 8 years is simply too overwhelming a time to really cover in about an hour

so we just basically enjoyed being able to see each other. and were happy to see an old, dear friend.

which makes me wonder what class reunions will be like...

we chatted briefly about some of her highlights of her life as well, but the toddler likes to be the center of attention, which means that whenever we started to get into deeper conversation, she wanted to shift the conversation back to her.

otherwise, my day was not so exciting. i spent the day trying to relax before heading up to mitchell to see grandma in icu. who has stabilized for the time being but is still not in the clear.

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