Monday, June 27, 2011

truck time

i drove a moving truck from st paul to mcville.

it might be the biggest vehicle i've ever driven, but not by much
(my school vehicle in 8th grade/early high school was a conversion van complete with curtains and tables).

but it is the first time i was proud of being able to back it into a driveway and then later parallel park.
without hitting any of the pickup trucks lining the road.
cause everyone in north dakota seems to have a truck.
and i secretly hope that i impressed the men by being able to parallel park a moving truck.
i'm pretty sure i impressed my dad.

sadly enough i have to return the big truck and will be back to driving my little subaru around.
but i will be sad to give up the big truck.
cause driving big vehicles is fun.

Monday, June 20, 2011

ordination pics

this one is my fave:

although this is a close second:

crazy pic with two sisters (i never noticed, but we are the odd ones in the family as we are #1, #3 and #5)
or the one standing with pastor nick and my angelic little niece (who is seldom looking so angelic and tends to look more like her mom does in the other pic)


Sunday, June 5, 2011


i'm pretty sure my sisters were thinking of yelling some of these at my graduation...

and now for some pictures!
walking out of central lutheran in minneapolis

me and my roomie katie 

me and harvey

me and my parents kendall and diane 

sisters - kayla, krissa, kendra, me, kiana

me with jan and gary coleman 

it is signed... 

the fancy hood i will never wear again 

me and erin 

me and jacob 

me and lindsay 

me and josh

believe it or not, there were other pics taken but right now i either don't have them or they didn't turn out...