Sunday, November 8, 2009


that's me!!!!!! yay for me!!!!!!!! i rock!!!!!!!!!

now that i'm done boasting, perhaps i should share the story.

especially since i'm not really that much of a goody-goody.

after eating lunch out today with people from church, i decided to blip on over to walmart across the street. and so after shopping around and not finding much of anything that i need (plenty that i want but can wait to get). then i venture back outside and into the rain. when i get to my car, there is guy who's got his pickup hood up. he asks me (and he's extremely quiet and hesitant but since i was the only one who was around and parked nearby...) if i would be willing to jump start his truck. of course i said of course.

and that was my good deed for the day.

then i went back home and baked some more bread. i've been experimenting with wheat flour, not just the typical white flour (and i refuse to buy the bleached stuff). tons of fun, let me tell you. and very tasty.

other update: i'm going back to sd this weekend! for the first time since july (since i spent august traveling and have been working far, far up north since early september). so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

now if only i can stay focused on my work and behave myself until i take off thursday for the first leg of my trip...

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