Friday, December 25, 2009

i'm dreaming of a white christmas...

oh, wait. it's a reality. so perhaps it should be "i'm looking at a white christmas"

as i sit here on christmas morning, i am watching snow continue to fall. on top of the several inches already on the ground. i cannot deny that it looks gorgeous.

and here is a picture from my front stoop of what i got to see when i woke up this morning (and yesterday as well):

other highlights/lowlights of the day:

1. waking up all alone in a large house on christmas morning. of course, santa went to the house i was supposed to be at but due to the weather am not able to drive back. also, i noticed that it was weird to not have kids (aka my little sisters the youngest of whom is now 18) being super-excited to open presents that are under the tree. btw: this is a lowlight.

2. calling germany. i finally called my host family after a few months of promising to do so. talked to my host parents, oma and an aunt. always nice to hear from people. highlight.

3. white christmas. the trees are gorgeous. the only times i like trees are during autumn with the changing colors and during winter with the snow on trees. highlight

4. since we had a few inches fall overnight, i decided to check and make sure that my inflatable nativity will be able to be displayed tonight. so i turned it on and this is how it got stuck. so i had to traipse through the snow nad free the sheep, mary and jesus from the confines of a weighty snow. well, primarily the garland attached to the star since that was the main culprit. highlight.

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