Sunday, March 20, 2011

mad skillz

today i fixed two broken necklaces. that's right. two of em.

here's what happened: last year, while wearing some pretty pearls, the silly little clasp connector thingy broke. you know those clasps that look like a round ball that pinch together to hold the strand to the hook? yeah. it only took me a year to finally getting around to fix it...

a few weeks ago i bought the little replacement piece (smallest pack was 30 pieces for a project i only needed one for) and a tool to help me repair jewelry (cause scissors just don't solve all problems and needlenose pliers are too big for some projects).

then today, when taking off another necklace, it decided to break as well...only this time i was dealing with beads flying off the wire strands unlike the other where the pearl beads were tied on the string. so i crawled on the floor for a while looking for pearl beads (three different sizes) and tiny blackish beads (not easy to see on a mottled carpet). but i got it fixed after becoming creative in how to bend the metal wires in the clasp so that it won't just slip apart again. i thought about soldering them together, but was reminded by my roomie katie that melting metal might not be the wisest course of action in our apartment and without the proper tools...

but the necklaces are as fixed as i can get them.

on my agenda of creative-ish projects: hemming a pair of jeans, quilting, crocheting an afghan (for someone who has yet to pick out a color), finishing the afghan i started in 2009, scrapbooking (some of which was supposed to have been done 4 years ago), making irish car bomb cupcakes (and testing out the heart-shaped cupcake maker i got from mom), learning how to make kuchen i think about all my creative-ish projects, i realize that i go through spurts of creativity that die out pretty quickly unless i have a deadline for them to be completed (like scrapbooking or crocheting something as a gift for a particular event)

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