is it bad that i've been waiting anxiously for today to be february 11, 2011 just so i can see the date in numeral form as the title of my post?
i hope not.
but maybe since i was also really excited for 2.1.2011.
i prefer to think that i am simply enjoying the small things in life.
like seeing 2.11.2011 on the top of my post.
i bet you're wondering, does kara have anything profound to share today in the wee hours of the morning?
answer: prolly not.
so here is just a smattering of thoughts i've been having lately:
i really need to clean and organize my room. i've been searching for a missing netflix movie that should be somewhere in the chaos. at least i have some motivation since i really want to return it so i can get the next awesome movie in my queue. which if i remember correctly is about werewolves...
(side note: queue is a ridiculous word. who thought that doubling up "ue" should make a sound? it's kinda like putting a w on either side of a k. oh wait, that's how you spell awkward, which is an awkward word to spell. and if you delete the "rd" it becomes a palindrome. like noon. or hannah.)
i know a lot of people getting married in the next six months. seriously. i know of 10 weddings for family and friends (not that i'm going to all of them).
it's supposed to be above freezing this weekend. yay!
i graduate in less than four months...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i bet you are thinking to yourself, was that a scream of pure excitement or of terror?
answer: yes
(that is a reference to a professor who avoided choosing between two options when both applied)
in less than two weeks i will know what part of the country i will be assigned to...(and hopefully move this summer with a call to be a pastor...)
i love my course schedule for my final semester of classes. that's right, folks. i loves me my days off. (believe it or not, i use correct grammar with spelling and punctuation when i write papers and am actually quite adept at it) currently i have wednesdays and fridays off and only one class on tuesdays. how cool is that?
answer: really cool.
i'm super excited for individual courses within the semester, not just the schedule where i have class three days of the week
for example, i have an education leadership course about ministry and media. there are four assignments: have a facebook profile (where i must post status updates once a week and upload at least one basically i pass that assignment), have a blog and post two times a week (current dilemma: use this blog or create a new one that will be more ministry and theology-focused...), create a powerpoint presentation (easy peasy lemon sqeezy), and create a movie. the movie will be the most challenging piece, but should be interesting. especially since we have to create our project for a specific intention: educating about minnesota without poverty. that's right. then we'll be giving our projects to the organization to use as they so choose. daunting but it makes it more exciting to be doing something that may actually be useful outside of the seminary walls.
because of this media class, i've been spending a lot of time locating good websites and blogs to link to since that's part of the assignment. pretty sure the blogs i tend to read won't cut it...each blog is supposed to include links that remind us of our readings or else "glimpses of grace" and i'm not sure the prof would necessarily enjoy my warped sense of humor...
my poor google reader is going to be overwhelmed for the next few weeks (or years if i keep this up without deleting blogs from the newsfeed...)
also, i have a course on worship and the lutheran confessions. it sounds scary. but who wouldn't want to learn about luther's theology from a former taize monk? especially since the class starts with worship in the form of evening prayers with taize-style songs?
answer: no one (at least this should be the answer)
those two are the elective courses. of course, i also have required ones like: holy spirit and the triune God, exercises in biblical theology, and ethics. and i'll have another elective later in the semester about the book of revelation.
best. final. semester. ever.
(at least, unless/until i go back for another degree...)
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