Thursday, January 6, 2011


hard to believe that this is a new year. my year started off on somewhat the wrong foot with a very interesting (in the midwestern sense of the word) beginning.

as i posted on facebook, i had a very interesting first two days of the new year.

jan 1 (around midnight, so it might have been jan 2) - got peed on by a sleeping toddler. not cool. will be funny someday, but still not cool yet.

jan 2 - driving to sioux falls for approval interview when i was rear-ended...and still made it to my interview on time

jan 3 - drove to mitchell (and past the scene of the crime) to deliver a shovel to some boys who were snowed in but didn't have one...

jan 4 - only time i left the house was to go take the dog for a walk. and it was glorious outside! (if i can find the sd card adapter for my micro-sd, i'll post pics of the snowy fields)

jan 5 - a sister turned 24 (marks the last birthday of my immediate family until may). went to church office with my mom so she could chat with the pastor and another bible study leader about their upcoming bible studies for their respective women's circles

jan 6 (today!) - decided it was time to pull out old computers and deal with copying music and pics onto my hard drive

additional notes:

- car accident: i'm fine. haven't noticed any pain or whiplash (well, my wrist was sore for about 2 days, but fine now). car still runs and drives, even though the bumper is busted and the alignment is a bit off...i got off easy compared to the person who hit me, whose front end did not look pretty and whose face hurt from the air bag deployment

- approval interview: for candidacy in the elca, i had to go through the final step toward ordination which consisted of an interview (panel of 2 in my case) who recommend me for approval and was voted on by the entire committee the next i'm free to be ordained!

- bible study prep: i like how the pastor meets with the leaders so that they can bounce ideas off each other and ask questions before they lead...i think i shall remember this when i have my own congregation...which i hope to have next summer now that i've been cleared for ordination...

- computers: pulling out the old computers...which are dinosaurs and do everything in slow motion...
this means that they took waaaaay longer to start up, and using them requires patience...
this means that i could check my email and download 6 gb of data off flashdrives to my new computer before the old one even booted up...
this means i'm going to take all day to get the old pics and music off my old computers...

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