Thursday, December 22, 2011

i'm dreaming of a white christmas (that's not happening...)

i live in north dakota.
it's currently december 22, 2011 in north dakota, a time of year when there should be a layer of snow.
growing up, i always thought north dakota had snow 7 months of the year since it was always too cold to melt once it fell.

i thought wrong.

i'm sitting and staring out a window at brown grass.
brown grass in december, three days from christmas.

who would have EVER guessed that christmas up north would be sunny and snowless?

not me.
but it is.

i'm not complaining too much because this means that people can travel to and fro in order to attend christmas events.
my family is able to drive to north dakota so that i can host christmas.
which is awesome since i will have people at home when i leave and return from services (4 this weekend).

if only there were an inch or two to cover the brown grass.

and oddly enough, two years ago this is what i had to deal with.
each day i went to shake off the snow in order for the nativity to inflate.
this year, no worries (except for possible wind to blow it away).
it's like i live in the south or something where white christmases were rare.
oh wait, that is where all the snow is falling...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Post #201 - 12.01.11

as i type this post, i'm sitting in my office at one of the churches. it's super quiet cause no one is around at the moment.
but i'm liking the solitude and stillness so that i can take time to sort through various thoughts

1. it's december. my favorite month has passed (cause who doesn't like the month they were born?). last month had some awesome dates (nov 1 = 11.1.11 and nov 11 = 11.11.11) as well as a couple holidays (veterans day and thanksgiving). but now it's the last month of the year and i'm not sure how it came so quickly...nor do i know how i will keep my sanity in the midst of advent, christmas decorating, hosting a youth party, putting on an open house, three christmas eve services and one christmas morning service while baking the turkey and meal for the family since i'm hosting christmas. but i will get thourgh it and then it will suddenly be january and 2012 (hopefully not the last year for the world...)

2. it's sunny and mostly brown/green outside. i live in nd and yet we have barely any snow on the ground at the moment. we got a light dusting yesterday, but the sun and wind could quickly rid us of what little white we have. i'm just waiting for the giant snowpiles to build. and i know they will. the almanacs are predicting lots of snow, the meteorologists are calling it "la nina" (and astonishingly enough, this is the second year in a row) but i'm actually worried because of what nature is telling us:
- i heard about onions predicting a ton of snow for this month.
- i saw the giant muskrat homes (lodges) as they are building up high in anticipation of either lots of snow or lots of spring water or more likely both.

3. upcoming travel is keeping me excited. i hope to not make a big trip this month (three trips to south dakota last month was quite a car that i got on halloween already has added 4000 miles in the past four weeks). but i know in january i'll do some traveling. i have a first call theological education retreat, and i'll be taking time off for vacation (with a wedding thrown in) as well as attending luther's convo. and of course, i'm working on planning a big trip to wyoming and new york for graduations in car should get more than enough miles on it. but it's worth it to see family and friends

4. christmas gift shopping. i love black friday because i love to watch people and to spend time with my sisters. this year i went home for thanksgiving, which meant i could make the 20-mile trip to mitchell. kayla and i drove up twice with just the two of us in the car (late night thursday and early morning friday) and we drove up with kendra, kiana and colten friday afternoon to watch the twilight movie. i bought mostly movies and nothing for my secret santa gift. i've been going to thrift stores for that... and thrift stores have awesome deals and a weird variety to make for an amazing gift!

5. i need to force myself to go shopping and pick up a new planner for the coming year. but i'm picky so i'm trying to find one that i simply love and will work best for me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

hello old man winter

it's been a while since i wore gloves
(yes, i wore them while at football games this fall cause it was in the 30s with strong winds and i was outside for hours)
perhaps i should say: since i needed to wear gloves if i was going to be outside for more than 10 min

i broke out the wool peacoat (it's a pretty purple) but have yet to succumb to the heavy duty coats still hanging in the closet, nor have i started wearing scarves
(in fact, this reminds me that i should look for and wash my scarves...)

i switched to close-toe and preferably boots for walking through snow
(i found my snowboots for subzero temps but haven't worn them yet)

i drove through snow drifts and on slippery roads and through whiteout conditions for the first time since april (yeah, that's 7 months...which is a long time in the dakotas, esp north dakota!)
of special note: nov 15 seems to be a late day for north dakota to have it's first winter weather advisory...especially since we had frost way back in mid-september

"weather-permitting" is a standard clause for all event planning over the next few months
(in fact, early tues afternoon consisted of cancelling tues afternoon activities so i could go home early)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11.1.11 11.11.11

if you are confused by the meaning of the numbers for the post title, don't be

they are simply dates (nov 1, 2011 and nov 11, 2011)

and i'm super sad and completely disappointed in myself that i totally missed blogging and writing those numbers as much as possible :(

here are some things i remember about those days:
11.1.11 (nov 1) - this was the day after i bought my new car and when i wrote a check for my very own car insurance (until then i was only on my parents'). also, this was all saints' day and i went to a lovely service in mchenry where our savior's lutheran invited people to light candles in memory of community members who had died in the past year
11.11.11 (nov 11) - veteran's day. i didn't do too much this day, but there was a baptism (#4 since i was ordained...same number as funerals i've done)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


the siren has gone off twice this week:
- on tuesday morning (8:08 am to be precise), there was a fire somewhere (no word as to what happened)
- every wednesday at 6:00 pm (no, it's not to announce the supper hour but i'm thinking it's to make sure the kids at sports practice realize that church night has officially begun since no practice can go past 6 pm on wednesday)

Friday, October 7, 2011

i'm sane!


i just took an online screening test to see if i have any of the following issues: anxiety disorder, depression, alcoholism, bi-polar disorder, eating disorders, ptsd

each time i was told that my results are NOT consistent with the *insert-tragic-label-here* behavior

woo-hoo for me!

Monday, September 5, 2011

walking wounded

i'm a klutz and proud of it!
(except on the days when i'm hurt because i'm a klutz)

actually, i tend to have an uncanny sense of balance on most days. there are many times when i've almost tripped but manage to keep my balance and stay on my feet. i'm not usually a klutz, but it seems like once a month i end up with mysterious bruising that i may or may not remember how i wounded myself.
because some days i don't have a working balance.
and this whole weekend has been one mishap after another.

technically, two main mishaps.

1. i was walking up my back stairs coming in from the great outdoors when i tripped over the huge flying disk my 2.5-yr-old niece had propped up on the side of the stairs even though it somehow managed to get under my feet...and now i have an awesome bruise just below my left knee. it started swelling within 20 min, which is never a good sign.
[side note: my niece offered to help hold the ice pack on my leg, only to tell me a minute later that she "can't want it" (= doesn't want it) because it's cold]

2. closing my car door today and totally got my thumb slammed in it. it's bad enough when you catch a useless finger, but the thumb on my right hand is very important since i am right handed and so i am constantly being reminded of the pain since i use my thumb to type, to eat, to hold the tv get the idea

so now, at the close of the labor day weekend, i'm wounded and bruised and trying to remember to not apply pressure anywhere near my bruises

Friday, August 26, 2011


so it's completely weird to be a pastor, and there are some instances to be on the lookout for:
- being handed your certificate of ordination (it's like getting the signed diploma at graduation)
- entering a community to become one of the most recognizable people (where everyone knows your name but you don't know theirs)
- writing the cover article for the church newsletter (or in my case, parish newsletter) and signing your name with "pastor" or "reverend" before it
- fielding questions about what the differences between pastor and minister and preacher and reverend are (and being unable to really distinguish each one since in your world they all merge together)
- first time you sign a marriage license on the line designated for the official and not the witness and then realize a few days later that the couple is legally married because of your signature
- going to your denomination's rostered leader search and searching for yourself (extra points if you have more than 5 congregations listed behind your name like me)
- learning to savor any opportunity you get to not lead worship or preach (who knew that sitting in the back pew is so enjoyable?)
- feeling guilty for not having npr or christian music playing on the radio as you drive (seriously, i love my rock, pop and folk music)
- trying to think of creative ways to dress where only one piece of the ensemble is something clergy-y, from jewelry with crosses to collared clergy shirt to alb/stole (current favorite way to accessorize: layering necklaces where the cross is almost's like Where's Waldo in my fashion)
- making sure that the Bible and communion kit are always in your purse and an appropriate change of clothes in the car (even when out of town on your day off just in case you get called in)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

goodbye ugly curtains!

say it with me:
good-bye (f)ugly curtains!

and just to prove to you that they are worthy of being despised, here are pics:

valences over the windows in the living room/dining area...clash majorly with the rest of my decor 
(and even worse, when kayla took them down, the fabric literally was falling apart since they had been hanging for so long)

weird half-curtains are not permitted, especially not when they are doubled...or is it tripled? does the little flounce at the top count as a curtain? it's bad enough if there is only the top and bottom, but someone had the brilliant idea to add the middle one to make a three-tier disaster. 
ugh. doesn't matter it there is one, two or three of these on a single window. none of them are surviving...

soon to be up on windows: drapes and curtains that will coordinate with my furniture, rugs and wall decor.
pictures will follow when the redecoration has been completed (which will be by labor day weekend since i'm hosting a pampered chef open house)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

calendar challenged

for those of you who know me, you may or may not realize that there are days when i don't look at the calendar.

as a pastor, this is not always a good option.
[there are times when it's nice because i can truly take a day off only when i have no set plans or am not looking ahead to what's coming]

i looked up at my desk in my church office a mere 10 minutes ago and saw that the calendar hanging there says "july" even though it's been august for 18 days...
and i have not yet gotten up to change it since i obviously haven't looked at it in almost three weeks.
i'm in no rush to change something that i never bother with anyway.

part of my challenge is that i like being able to remember events and activities without having to look at a calendar.
i like being able to tell you what all my upcoming plans are without having to consult a piece of paper or a planner or an online calendar.

i'm human.
and i mess up from time to time.

time slips past me when i'm not careful, and i hate when i miss out on something because i am calendar challenged.

i may not be able to change my love/hate relationship with calendars right this moment, but i'm still a work in progress.
and i have hope that there will be a week when i manage to remember everything i need to without forgetting anything.
but i'm not holding my breath.

Friday, July 29, 2011

paper vs 'puter

i wrote a blog post the other day in a notebook while i was trying to write a sermon...

it was amazing how some words spewed out instead of the words i expected

and right now, i'm too lazy to type up the words i took all that time to write and not type

Thursday, July 14, 2011

mcville days

so it turns out that my new little town of residence hosts a weekend of activities every summer known as mcville days.

i'm excited because most things are free (unless you will be consuming food, which you must pay for)
- two street dances
- concert
- canoe races
- bike parade (i like how parades in nd are not always vehicles but can be golf carts like at stump lake)
- bingo
- kids' activities (games, fishing derby, etc)
- bake-off
- community worship

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

gift baskets

I'm loving the people of McVille, ND and the surrounding towns and the 7 congregations of my new parish!

I have received lots of gifts to help welcome me into the community.
For example, today I received the McVille welcome wagon present.
That's right.
A welcome wagon.
I got some homemade cookies and various items from local businesses (more is still hiding in the tote bag).
Best gift certificate: Denim shirt. Yeah. Pictures to come...

Other gifts from my new congregations to help fill my house (not pictured: gift certificates):

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

secret life in the parsonage

so, this is a dilemma that i never anticipated: living in the parsonage and yet no one at church knowing who their new pastor is...

i knew i was going to be living in a small town under the microscope where once i'm known as the pastor (have yet to really introduce myself in mcville other than to about 15 people) i'll be recognized going to the post office, grocery store, gas station, etc

but when i got back tonight from leading worship in binford, people were standing around in the church parking lot and talking. i know this cause i went for a short walk around town and there they were.
i said hi but didn't really take time to stop and chat since i have no idea who they were and they might recognize my name (it was on the sign right in front of where they were standing) but to them, i'm just a new person in town who just so happens to have the keys to the parsonage...


one of the biggest challenges of moving is taking time to unpack.
and my house is only slowly coming out of chaos.

order of progress:
- tv, wii, dvd/vhs player, cable, internet all set up and working. biggest challenge was moving the old bulky tv or maybe realizing that the outlets are two-prong when all my electronics are three or maybe it was finding the internet hookup that was on the kitchen island...
- kitchen...krissa made me unpack while she was here
- books are all on shelves...until i pick up more from home...
- games are out and ready to be played if only i had people who are around...
- bedding is on beds or in the linen closet even though i still need to move my futon to its future location which i've yet to figure out...

what has yet to be dealt with: clothes and shoes and office supplies

Sunday, July 3, 2011

being all pastor-y

i'm winding up my first week as a pastor.
shocking, right?
i mean, i got to wear a stole and everything while preaching...

this past week has been interesting. it's amazing at how easy i can slide into some parts of my job and role, while other parts are not a comfortable fit.

for example
- easy to call up and visit a complete stranger who is now "my" parishioner
- not so easy to sit in the office at the church i live next to (but i already knew that i hate sitting at desks since the desk in my house is in the "office" but my computer and printer are set up in the kitchen/dining room area with a view of the tv).
- easy to write a sermon
- not so easy to figure out the differences between Presbyterian and Lutheran services (future reference: Apostles' Creed and Lord's Prayer are most noticeable)
- easy to meet and greet people
- not easy to wear a clerical (seriously, i had one on this morning and decided to wear the alb and stole despite it being warm)
- easy to preside over communion
- not easy to stay awake right now since it's naptime...silly exhaustion that always happens after sunday mornings...

Monday, June 27, 2011

truck time

i drove a moving truck from st paul to mcville.

it might be the biggest vehicle i've ever driven, but not by much
(my school vehicle in 8th grade/early high school was a conversion van complete with curtains and tables).

but it is the first time i was proud of being able to back it into a driveway and then later parallel park.
without hitting any of the pickup trucks lining the road.
cause everyone in north dakota seems to have a truck.
and i secretly hope that i impressed the men by being able to parallel park a moving truck.
i'm pretty sure i impressed my dad.

sadly enough i have to return the big truck and will be back to driving my little subaru around.
but i will be sad to give up the big truck.
cause driving big vehicles is fun.

Monday, June 20, 2011

ordination pics

this one is my fave:

although this is a close second:

crazy pic with two sisters (i never noticed, but we are the odd ones in the family as we are #1, #3 and #5)
or the one standing with pastor nick and my angelic little niece (who is seldom looking so angelic and tends to look more like her mom does in the other pic)


Sunday, June 5, 2011


i'm pretty sure my sisters were thinking of yelling some of these at my graduation...

and now for some pictures!
walking out of central lutheran in minneapolis

me and my roomie katie 

me and harvey

me and my parents kendall and diane 

sisters - kayla, krissa, kendra, me, kiana

me with jan and gary coleman 

it is signed... 

the fancy hood i will never wear again 

me and erin 

me and jacob 

me and lindsay 

me and josh

believe it or not, there were other pics taken but right now i either don't have them or they didn't turn out...

Monday, May 16, 2011

it's official!

i'm a soon-to-be graduate and pastor!

i turned in all my finals (the final final was turned in about half an hour ago), which means that i'm done with coursework and just have to wait for the grades to be posted (grades for 3 of 5 for my current classes are already posted) so that i can get a signed diploma.

next step: set up ordination and start date.
the people at my new parish (tri-county ministry in north dakota) kept asking when i would be started.
i think they were excited or something...
but i had to always respond that i was in the midst of finals and had been focusing on schoolwork and hadn't looked that far in advance, and that i had literally just signed the letter of call that day/the day before and had yet to set up ordination, after which i would pick a start date...
so they just have to wait about for me to get a few things lined up...

i went to synod assembly this past weekend and it was fun to be with my fellow first call candidates (technically i already knew a few of them so only 3 were new to me).
it was nice to put faces to names i had heard and who i will be colleagues with in the near future.

oddly enough, i was sitting and eating pizza on pizza friday (cause luther sem's cafeteria always serves pizza on fridays for lunch) with a few fellow students, when one (beau) pointed out that according to luther, ordination is a moot point since a pastor is a pastor as soon as a congregation calls them...
which kinda freaked me out
i mean, a congregation extended a call so i am already a pastor?
i had not even officially said yes (at that point, even though i knew that i was going to), and i was already a pastor?

the i realized that i didn't care about how nerve-wracking it sounds since i'm excited to be a pastor.

i apologize for jumping around and not having a clear train of thought.
but my thoughts are jumbled, and i guess my writing reflects that...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

share size

so i stopped by walmart last night (went to fargo without one of the four toothbrushes i already own). and was intrigued by the "share size" of skittles and starburst.

so i paid $1 for the candy so i could share.

and i did share.

cause the wrapper said to...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the end of soap operas?

in my perusing of blogs on my google reader, i ran across this one.

i was intrigued for a few reasons to learn that soap operas are being cancelled left and right.

here are a few thoughts:
1. i was surprised they were still going and weren't axed before. i mean, seriously, who watches them? i gave up on the over-the-top dramatics as a high schooler. that's right, teenage me was fed up with the antics. (not that i was a drama junkie in any sense of the word)
2. i won't miss them. as the article points out, there are plenty of other (and much better) shows to watch.
3. what purpose did they ever serve?
4. how many times can people die (or appear to die), lose their memory, have affairs, bicker over the silliest things? so petty and annoying...

yes, i'm bitter about soap operas.
no, i'm not sad to see them fall by the wayside.

Monday, May 9, 2011

ministry in media video

for my ministry in media class, we were assigned to put together a video to give to a minnesota without poverty. it could be anything we wanted, but we had to have it related to the coalition or poverty...
i chose to use the experience of leading the discussion guide at a local congregation as my source of inspiration.
if you want to know more about my reflections and experience while talking about "enough for all", check this post from my other blog (the serious one i started for this class).
i'm so proud of my video that i'm choosing to post it here and on my other blog.

here is my project:

Enough for All from Kara Wiechmann on Vimeo.

if you don't see a video, here is another link

Music copyright link:
untitled track (James Blackshaw) / CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Monday, May 2, 2011

family pastor

a congregation will be voting this coming sunday on whether or not to call me as their pastor.
i'm super excited (and if you happen to see me and ask me, i'll be wearing a giddy grin and be ready to start bouncing around).
but also nervous. nervous because nothing is set in stone and the vote hasn't taken place yet and i haven't signed papers and we haven't negotiated a start date...

and i keep getting ahead of myself.

about 3 weeks ago i was freaking out about never receiving a call, when all of a sudden a voice popped into my head and told me,
"Be still and know that I am God."
i love it when i get those moments of clarity. they don't happen often, so i really listen up when they do. that day i listened and immediately let go of the concerns and worries and felt my clenched shoulders relax. i was reminded that there was nothing i could do but be still and know that God is God.

and about a week later i was called and informed that a call committee intended on extending a call. i was pleased and shocked and unsure what to feel since the emotions were so intense as the call process was becoming real in a very different way.

i'm going to be a pastor.

what is really startling is how my entire life is working towards full-time ministry. i'm finally beginning to accept the title of pastor. somehow in the past few months, i've become comfortable with being a pastor.

i know, i know. i've been preparing for this for how many years and it's only now that i'm comfortable?
yep, it is.
cause until now i was always a student, but things are changing.
two weeks from today is my last day of classes. i'm nostalgic for the loss of the school setting that i've known and loved for the last 20 years.
but i'm ready to be a professional.
i'm ready to trade in the hoodies for sweaters and cardigans (oh wait, i've already done that...).
i'm giving up t-shirts for clergy shirts (i'm heading to north dakota where pastors can wear clergy shirts with jeans...i plan on wearing jeans at least once a week, just because i err on the informal side).

a year ago, i was still overwhelmed with the idea that my family would see me as a pastor.
a year ago, i needed them to keep me grounded and remember who i was (which was not a pastor).
but now, i'm a pastor.
and i'm still their daughter/sister/cousin/niece/granddaughter/friend.
i'm excited to be both.

last month strangers at a cousin's wedding saw me as the pastor and i'm pretty sure had no idea what my real name was, which i take is a sign that i've ceased to be the student and have stepped into the world of the pastor.

my family has started to shift how they see me and my role.
when i decided to go to seminary, i began being drafted to pray at meals. i still resist every once in a while, but i find it easier to say yes and am flattered to be asked.
when i told people i was going to be a pastor, they started telling me where the openings were.
when they realized that i would be able to preside over weddings and baptize children, they began asking me to enter their lives in new ways as the family pastor.

i talked to two of my four sisters today.
one sought some pastoral advice from me (which oddly enough looks exactly like asking her big sister for advice).
and the other, when she called, joked with me that she was calling to talk to her sister and not the future pastor.

the tension is there between pastor and sister.
but not for them.
because i'm both sister and pastor.
i'm the sister who will be a pastor.

as both pastor and relative, i can bring a special, personal connection to key moments in life transitions.
moments i would be part of anyway as family, but as pastor and family i get to bring a more intimate bond into the moments blessed by God.

and i'm excited

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Doubt sermon

I preached at Salem English Lutheran in Minneapolis this morning on John 20:19-31, the so-called "doubting Thomas" text.

This was my sermon (not exactly since I ad lib while preaching):

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, our Rock and Redeemer. Amen.
I had a professor in college who had a collection of sayings. By senior year, the religion majors had them all memorized. For example, he had standard greetings and dismissals for each class period. He would literally greet us the same way at the start of the class, and then he would send us on our way with the same words of dismissal. The last class period of the week he had a slight variation of his dismissal that was adjusted to encompass the upcoming weekend. Four years ago I could recite the words with him, but today I cannot recite what he said. Instead, I remember one other saying that he used less routinely. This saying affected how I approach talking about faith and certainty, and it continues to shape how I interact with others.
“Think you may be wrong.”
What a profound statement. It left marks on numerous students because it challenged our desire for certainty. We were student who craved the right answers, who did not want to doubt, who wanted the proof and the chance to always be right.  
“Think you may be wrong” caused us to stumble a bit in our pursuit of having the right answers and to never doubt ourselves. We opened ourselves up to respect that others may be right if we are wrong. We let go of the certainty as we recognized that we may have the wrong answers and that another, even one we don’t like, may have the right answer. We opened ourselves to doubt, but in a good way. Because the focus was not on finding the right answer, but being open to the questions and to the pursuit of truth. Even if we were and are wrong, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that doubt and questioning are part of learning.
Think you may be wrong.
Doubt was liberating because we were able to question what we thought to be true, while we looked around us to find out what else might also be true and good and right. What else was more true and right. Doubting ourselves was a good thing because it kept us from being too self-righteous.
But in today’s text we encounter a story where doubting others is not looked upon as a good thing. Doubt here gets a bad name, and has had a bad reputation for centuries.
Doubt is more than respecting that others may be right. Doubt is deeply connected to faith and belief. Jesus blesses those who believe without seeing, those who do not doubt the words of their friends who tell the story of the risen Christ, those who do not see and doubt but do not see and believe anyway. Jesus blesses those who do not doubt.
But maybe there is more to doubting Thomas. Maybe he is more than the disciple who doubts. He hears the stories that his friends are telling him, stories of seeing Jesus who had just died but was raised. His fellow disciples share their stories of how they saw Christ and rejoiced.
And he wants to see. His words of doubt are also filled with his desire to see the Lord for himself, not just because he doubts what his friends saw but because he too wants to see. He wants to see Jesus.
The text tells us that Thomas declares that he will not believe unless he sees the risen Christ. He wants to see Jesus again. He doesn’t want to miss out on the opportunity and be the odd man out.
He gets lucky. A few days later, he and the other followers have gathered together when Jesus shows up, greeting them in peace. Then Jesus, knowing what Thomas had said earlier, tells him to look and touch, tells him to not doubt but to believe.
And Thomas’ reaction is startling. He does not look to his friends and say, “You were right! I don’t know why I doubted your word.” He instead looks at Jesus and makes a confession. His doubt is transformed into announcing that Jesus is the Lord and God. He sees Jesus and his response is to say, “my Lord and my God.” He makes a faithful confession.
So what do we learn from doubting Thomas?
First, doubt is not always evil but is always real. Doubt exists and cannot be denied. I think part of the reason we read about doubting Thomas every year after Easter is because we understand the challenge of believing what we have heard but not seen.
As Christians, we are an Easter people. We are a people who gather together to worship Jesus as Lord and God, Jesus who died but was raised again. We gather together in spite of the doubt that is real and often rampant in our world where we are trained to doubt, where we are raised to be skeptical of anything that we do not see with our own eyes, to question when we do not have proof. Our world is full of doubt.
We understand Thomas’ doubt. We live his experience. If we are not the one doubting, we know of others who doubt. Doubt is real and is always present in the church. Especially right after Easter, when we ourselves have the same desire to see the proof that Jesus is risen. Doubt is real.
But doubt is not the end of the story. Doubt ends up in a faithful confession. We question the truth of what we read, and then we take the leap into believing. We show our faith by confessing Jesus is our Lord and God without seeing. We do not get the luxury of always seeing Jesus with his wounds and scars.
But we stand in a long line of people who have clung to the promise, who choose to believe the story despite not seeing with our very own eyes. Doubt does not stop us from confessing who Jesus is.
We are an Easter people. Doubt is not the end of the story; death is not the end of the story. Despite the fact that we may or may not have seen the risen Lord, we believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and showed up to people.
We gather together this morning not to ignore doubt, but to make the leap to confess that Jesus is Lord and God. We gather together to celebrate Christ’s triumph over death. Despite the fact that we do not see, we choose to believe.
We cling to the blessing that Jesus gives to those who believe without seeing.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Thanks be to God. Amen. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

chaos as a lifestyle

one of the best sayings: when it rains, it pours.

completely appropriate as i sit here watching it rain (again). never seems to stop
[at least it's better than the snow i saw falling last night]

but it is also appropriate since that saying describes life.

my first semester was nowhere near as busy as this one. yes, i was constantly doing coursework, but i was not traveling anywhere near as much as i have been in the last month or so.

april was crazy: preached the first sunday, spent five days driving around and interviewing the following weekend, went to and helped out with my cousin's wedding the next weekend (and battled several inches of snow), and went home for easter break.

so here's a more detail of the downpour i've been experiencing:

the wedding was awesome. my first wedding to lead, and it was a learning experience. my sisters used my camcorder to get the whole service, although i'm never on the screen since i was hiding behind the trellis and pillars and flowers. it was a good, fun, relaxing and utterly enjoyable time with family.
and the snow was fun but not. made everything look pretty since the world was not quite green yet, but horrible on country roads that were not plowed. so it tore up the undercarriage/skid plate on my car.

i got back to st paul sunday evening. at 7, i met with a group to work on our presentation that would take place the next morning.
[and we totally rocked the presentation skit!]

finally got back to my apartment around 9:30 pm.

up early monday morning for class.

and worked on a bible study for my book of revelation class.

then the next day i packed, attended class and drove back with a sem colleague to south dakota through the rain.
arrived in parkston at 10:30 and was told i looked exhausted. cause i was.

note: i spent less than 48 hours in st paul before taking off for almost a week

then on wednesday, when i wanted to sleep in, i was not really able to. i had a big essay to write. then that afternoon was spent easter dress shopping for the neighbor girl.
so we drove up to mitchell where we met mom to go shopping.
and forgot mom's car in mitchell.

so thursday was a trip to mitchell.
otherwise very low-key and included much needed rest and maundy thursday service at salem in parkston

friday was getting my car prepped and ready to go
[dad fixed the skid plate on my car]
and then the drive to omaha to hang with kayla, where we went shopping and ate food and had some bonding time.
we went to good friday services at a local congregation where we were overdressed (we wore dress clothes...who knew that jeans were acceptable?)

saturday involved being lazy, visiting kayla at work, and renting "hereafter" staring matt damon

sunday was church in the morning. we both wore skirts, but it was borderline too cold to wear anything but pants.
then we loaded my car and i took off to spend the rest of the day in parkston.
spent the afternoon and evening with mom, dad, ki, colten, grandparents and neighbors.

monday i tried to sleep in (unfortunately i had a problem the entire week with waking up no later than 8 am) and slowly got ready to drive back to st paul.

and i'm not going anywhere for a few days. my next trip is to the black hills for sister bonding time with kayla and kendra may 6.
this friday, i'm spending time with friend(s) here in the twin cities.
this sunday, i preach at salem english in minneapolis.
i have class, but not much homeworkwise until may 10, which is when i as a graduating senior really need to buckle down and work on final papers [ideally i will be working earlier]
my last final is due may 15, which is mere weeks away...

and in the midst of this, i'm working with first call stuff. talking to a congregation that is interested in calling me and [hopefully] setting up ordination and installation for this summer

forecast for the next month: torrential downpours

fortunately i prefer downpour to the annoying, never-ending mists

Monday, April 11, 2011

my weekend

expected travel: 5 days, 23 hrs of time in the vehicle, 1224 miles

actual travel: over 1400 miles and lots more time in the car than mapquest told me as i had to drive around or backtrack to find roads not covered by water or churches not stored in my gps...

planned events: 4 interviews with four congregations/parishes, visit with supervisor from internship, visit with family

unplanned events: trip to grand forks since i had so much free time, last minute decision to go to the circus with my aunt and uncle and little cousin, buying the chronicles of naria: voyage of the dawn treader

i'm exhausted

but also excited to see which of the 4 interviews may or may not turn into my first call...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

seminary update

alright people, i'm getting stressed/nervous/overwhelmed

life is moving quickly.
very quickly.

i am super busy and both loving and hating it.
(mostly lovin' it)

i enjoy not sitting still.
i enjoy running around like a chicken with my head chopped off.
but i do not enjoy the sensation that i may start crying because i have so much to do and little time to do it in
(but if you ask me a week from now, i will only remember the fun adrenaline rush)

here is my plan:
1. homework - post online, read/skim books and articles, complete assignments
2. interview - this weekend: 4 interviews with 4 parishes/congregations in 4 days
3. live - savor every minute i have left at luther

homework gets done and i will pass classes (p is for pastor, after all).
then i will graduate at the end of may.
then i will hopefully be ordained this summer and start working for the Church

interviews will be done and i may or may not receive a call to be someone's pastor before the summer starts. hopefully at least one congregation i interview with will be the ideal place for me to do ministry with the skills God gave me.
i did a mapquest search to see the approx amount of miles i will be traveling from thursday morning to monday morning: 1118.33 miles
that's spending 19 hrs 42 mins in my car...(not counting the stops for gas, bathroom, food, sleep)

this is the time to live life to its fullest (yeah, i know it's cliche).
i may cry at some point, but i'm hoping it will be tears of joy and not tears of frustration or sorrow.
as someone pointed out to me today, there are only about 6 weeks left to the school year (breathe, kara, breathe).
and as i've been pointing out to friends here, i only know of 2-3 weekends i am going to be sleeping in my apt from now until the end of may (breathe...).
i'm excited for the coming trips, but so much travel wears me down.

but if God can bring me to it, God will see me through it.

(prayers are not only accepted but encouraged)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

sermon 3.4.2011

here is my sermon from this morning at salem english lutheran church:

Will you please pray with me…Lord, may the words of my lips and the meditations of our souls be pleasing to you, our rock and redeemer. Amen.

I want you to close your eyes for just a moment. Close them tight.
What do you see when your eyes are closed? 
Just keep them closed for a while longer...
Now open your eyes.

What do you see first?
You may think you first see objects or people. But really, first you see the light. Then comes the colors and shapes that you begin to recognize. But first is light. Because you need the light in order to see.
The light is overwhelming. Welcome, but bright and painful. So bright that I often want to close my eyes again.
Which is how I think is how we often go through life. We open our eyes, but the light hurts our eyes so we go back to the comforting darkness, the darkness that shields and hides.

Let’s think about this.
We all know that light is better than darkness. Right? Makes sense. Think of day versus night. Most of us tend to prefer the sunny day instead of the dark night. We like the warmth and ability to see where we are going. The dark seems scary because we cannot see. That is the dark we always think of.
But dark can also be safe. In the sun, we see everything. Nothing is hidden from us. We see all the corners and flaws. But when it’s dark, some of those are hidden away. We look and because we do not see, we see nothing wrong.

Is light or dark better? Is it better to see or not see?
I think it all depends on what we are looking at.
If we are looking at the world around us, we want to see. We like to know what’s going on. We like to see where we are going. We like to see where we’ve been. We like to see where other people are. We want to see.
But if we are looking at ourselves, we prefer the darkness. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to hide who I am because in the light, I see what’s wrong. In the light, I see the dark parts.

When I think of light and dark, I think of walking around at nighttime. I admit that in college I would work til late at night at the campus library then walk back to my dorm all by myself. I was told it was not safe to be out in the dark by myself, but I was not afraid of the dark. I was not afraid of the night. For the most part of my life, I have loved to take walks in the nighttime. I like the solitude. I don’t mind the fact that I don’t see other people. I am at home and content in the dark.

But I can’t stay in the darkness. Because I always find the light. And once I find the light, the light messes with how I see and experience the dark.
On the walk back to my dorm, there was only one spot that I was afraid of. And it was a corner of a building where there was a light on one side but not the other. I hated walking through the light back into the darkness. The light blinded my eyes so that someone sinister could be hiding in the dark beyond but I wouldn’t be able to see. If it were all dark, my eyes would have been adjusted to see the movements in the night. But that bright light would play tricks on my eyes. Because once I was in the light, I couldn’t go back to the dark.

That is what I hear in the scripture for today.
Once we are in the light, we can’t go back to the dark. Once we choose to open our eyes and follow the light that is Christ, we can’t go back to the dark. Once we are children of light as Paul says, we are no longer able to live in the dark. Once we enter the light, we must live as children of the light.

How many of us have heard the phrase, “ignorance is bliss”?
Ignorance is the not knowing, the not being able to see and recognize. Ignorance is living in darkness and being comfortable with our lacks because we do not see. We are kept in the dark, and the dark is familiar. The dark is safe, secure.

The dark is where the Pharisees find themselves. They are ignorant of who Jesus is. They are unwilling to open their eyes and ears and minds and hearts to the knowledge that Christ is the Christ, that Jesus is the Messiah. They are ignorant and blind to Jesus. And they are blissfully ignorant. They are content to live in the world they see. They are content to live the life they’ve been living, not knowing that there is something else.
They do not know the light that is Christ.

But the blind man learns. The blind man encounters the light that is Christ. His eyes are opened. This is a great miracle. Even in our world of medical technology, we struggle to help the blind see. We can help improve sight, but we cannot open the eyes of the truly blind. But Jesus does just that. He opens the eyes of the man born blind. He gives sight to the man who spent every day in darkness.  
The blind man encounters the light. And he is healed. He is changed when he meets Jesus of Nazareth.
Once he enters the light, once he is changed by the light, he cannot go back to the dark. He will not go back to the dark. He stays in the light. His eyes are opened. His eyes probably hurt from seeing the light, the brightnees, the colors and shapes, and he chooses to live in the light.

When I was reading this text, when I was thinking about what we learn from the blind man, I knew that we had a lot to learn. There are days when we long for the comforts of the ignorance and darkness. We long for the ease that the Pharisees have in their black and white world without colors. We want to have the darkness shield what is shameful. We don’t want to have my dark, deep secrets exposed by the light. We know the darkness and we know how to live in the dark.

But Paul reminds us that we are not children of the dark. We were, yes. We were children of the dark. We grew up in a world that is dark. We live in a world that does not acknowledge or see Christ. And in some ways, we still are. When our actions show that we are not bearing good fruit like peace, kindness and hope, we are children of the dark.
But we are not called to be children of the dark. We are children of the light.

We meet Jesus. He may not spit on the dirt and rub mud on our eyes to open them, but he is the light that opens our eyes. He is standing there when we open our eyes. We meet the light. We know and see Jesus Christ.

And we are transformed. We can no longer live in darkness. Just like walking through the dark and through a light, we can never fully reenter into the darkness. Once we know the light, we know the dark. And once we see the light, we know that the dark is scary and unsafe. The dark, no matter how familiar it was, is no longer our safe place.

We once were blind, but now we see.
The challenge for us today is to walk back into the world of darkness having encountered the light that is Christ. How do we live as children of light in a world of darkness?
I don’t have easy answers. I don’t have any answers. I just have a challenge.
The biggest challenge is to bring the light with us. To be the light. To not be afraid to have it light up the world. Just as the song “this little light of mine” tells us, shine your light for the whole world to see it. Don’t put the light in a box, but let the light out. A little light goes a long way.

But we are not alone. Christ, the light of the world, goes with us. God is with us as we re-enter the world of darkness. 

Let us read Psalm 23 together. 
1  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
2  He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters;
3  He restores my soul; he leads me in right paths for his name's sake.
4  Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 
5  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows.
6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long. 

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

givin up

seriously, i am this close (imagine me holding up my hand and doing the little pinch sign) to completely failing at my lenten resolution to give up facebook...

but i'm not failing because i came up with my own rules as i went along since i didn't establish them beforehand (nor did i even decide to do this until after lent started, so i figure it's all flexible)

my rules (still free to adaptation):
1. reading fb messages via gmail doesn't count (cause i didn't log on to fb to read em)
2. i stored up days to be on fb just like sick days or vacation that roll over from year to year that can be used at my discretion
3. i gave myself one day a week plus i hear that each sunday is a mini-easter that doesn't count anyway. so that's 2 days a week by my math
4. as long as i don't join twitter, i will succeed in life
5. the day(s) i go on facebook can vary each week

i have learned a few things about me and my life:
1. it's really hard to not be updating my status all the time.
2. when i do post an update, it's hard to simply let it be without checking to see what others write in response (cause i don't get the responses emailed to me)
3. it's a relief to be disconnected - less pressure, more free time
4. it's sad, difficult, frustrating to be disconnected - i hate not knowing what's going on in the lives of my friends or acquaintances
5. i had forgotten how to plan events or communicate with people without the ease of facebook messages or events - how did people plan events without simply creating a page and clicking the people you want to invite? do people send invites to anything anymore (exceptions: bridal showers and weddings)?
6. facebook is literally the only way i have for communicating with some people since i don't have their mailing address, phone number or email

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

hello winter and goodbye spring?

this was yesterday afternoon after a glorious week (give or take a day or two):

and this was last night (right before we got a few extra inches of snow to up the winter's total to approx 85 inches):

and these are pics of the violet that is going crazy on the windowsill:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


it's amazing how the world goes round.

like a disco ball (cue quote from zohan: "disco disco" with dancing)

speaking of disco balls, i bought a sparkly cardigan that resembles a disco ball. seriously, it does. the front of the sweater is covered in silver sequins.

true story. i wore it the other day. and liked it!

didn't like how it would reflect the sun into my eyes while driving

but i did like how it just added something extra to my outfit

i also think it helped that i wore cute shoes to complete the ensemble...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

mad skillz

today i fixed two broken necklaces. that's right. two of em.

here's what happened: last year, while wearing some pretty pearls, the silly little clasp connector thingy broke. you know those clasps that look like a round ball that pinch together to hold the strand to the hook? yeah. it only took me a year to finally getting around to fix it...

a few weeks ago i bought the little replacement piece (smallest pack was 30 pieces for a project i only needed one for) and a tool to help me repair jewelry (cause scissors just don't solve all problems and needlenose pliers are too big for some projects).

then today, when taking off another necklace, it decided to break as well...only this time i was dealing with beads flying off the wire strands unlike the other where the pearl beads were tied on the string. so i crawled on the floor for a while looking for pearl beads (three different sizes) and tiny blackish beads (not easy to see on a mottled carpet). but i got it fixed after becoming creative in how to bend the metal wires in the clasp so that it won't just slip apart again. i thought about soldering them together, but was reminded by my roomie katie that melting metal might not be the wisest course of action in our apartment and without the proper tools...

but the necklaces are as fixed as i can get them.

on my agenda of creative-ish projects: hemming a pair of jeans, quilting, crocheting an afghan (for someone who has yet to pick out a color), finishing the afghan i started in 2009, scrapbooking (some of which was supposed to have been done 4 years ago), making irish car bomb cupcakes (and testing out the heart-shaped cupcake maker i got from mom), learning how to make kuchen i think about all my creative-ish projects, i realize that i go through spurts of creativity that die out pretty quickly unless i have a deadline for them to be completed (like scrapbooking or crocheting something as a gift for a particular event)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


i'm exhausted.

not sure if it's because:
a) stress cause of midterms
b) sick
c) constantly busy
d) any/all of the above

not sure it matters too much in the grand scheme of things, but it totally sucks right now. i hate feeling the need to nap. i hate lacking drive and ambition to do anything at all (even my love of reading or watching movies fails), but it happens.

at the same time, i also get random energy spurts, sometimes at the most inopportune times.

like last night when i was playing a game on my computer where i pop balloons (poppit).

sometimes the energy is good.

like tonight when i was watching a really good movie (the boys are back) after hanging up mirror(s).

or earlier today spending time in mankato with family so that my aunt could try on her wedding dress to see if the jewelry she picked up would work with it. then a bit of shopping where i splurged on three new wii games (buy 2, get 1 free plus an additional $10 off coupon). wii games include carnival games (wack-a-troll anyone?) and the biggest loser game (yeah, i caved and will soon meet my match in jillian michaels).

right now i should get back to working on retelling the gospels for my teaching parish (fyi: instead of reading from the bible, the stories are being told from the perspective of a character who encounters Christ) and figuring out what i'm going to say during my ebt group presentation on monday...

note: mirror(s) because i put up four 12"x12" mirrors ($6 at ikea) to work as a full-length's a 4-in-1 thing (plus smaller mirrors will be easier to transport when i move)

another note: despite it being difficult to find a parking space at ikea this afternoon (saturdays are always crazy), i was in and out of the store in approx 30 min, picking up stuff for my aunt and my mother (and myself, of course, with the mirrors)...which would have been less had i not been so indecisive about whether to splurge and buy a bathmat (decided on no)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

st patty's day... a really long day for me with basically nonstop classes/coursework from 8 am to 9 pm super fun to celebrate irish heritage and pull out a pretty green shirt

...would be a great day to visit an irish pub (or ireland) the only time of year we can have green beer or a shamrock shake the perfect time for me to make guinness chocolate cupcakes with jameson fudge ganache topped by bailey's frosting the worst day to be completely exhausted (which is how i feel today)

...makes me wish i had not misplaced my cross necklace with green connamara marble beads that i bought in ireland

Monday, March 14, 2011


remember how a long time ago i had a blog post that contained lists? some possibilities to countdown to, options of places to go/things to see...ring a bell? if not, here's the post

a few notes on countdown:
- assignment is over and done. eastern north dakota, here i come!
- my half birthday, last day of classes and graduation have yet to happen (in that order in the month of may)

and my "things to do before i graduate" list:
- como park zoo. check.
- still lots of other things on the checklist i should work on...

more on the zoo:
i went with kayla and casey for a total of 40 min. (no, i did not begrudge the short time spent there right before closing because i didn't pay to get in anyway since it's a free zoo)
we were there long enough to see the polar bears sleep.
and watch a cougar and a tiger prowl in their respective cages (super sad).
and watch penguins being hand-fed by someone.
and see sea lions swimming in circles in a small pool (also super sad).
and see zebras and giraffes.
and a sloth. can't forget the sloth. who was sleeping in a tree because that's what every sloth does.

the other day we tried to go to the zoo but it had already closed. but we did watch the wolves from the parking lots. they're pretty animals

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow

today i pondered how, in future decades when talking to future generations, i would talk about this winter.

and today i came up with the perfect summary:


yep. snow.

why snow? you ask

because we've had a lot of it this year.

but did you not also have wind and ice and sleet and days below zero and days above freezing? you ask

yes, but we had a lot of snow.

twice, the amounts were over 10 inches. numerous other times, we would get anything from a light dusting to a few inches.

overall (as of march 8, 2011), the cities have had 78.7 inches, making this winter the 8th snowiest on record (only 0.3 inches behind 7th place) with more snow predicted for tomorrow night and the day after tomorrow (which just so happens to be my favorite movie). so by wednesday evening, we will likely be able to claim 7th place.

in case you were wondering, a lot of that snow remains on the ground, most commonly in piles along roads blocking intersections or pushed into fields.

update in the early am of march 9: 7th place with 79.5 (1.8 inches behind 6th)
update from march 12: 7th with 80.2 inches (behind winter 1961-1962 with 81.3)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

crazy day

here is a more detailed and interesting elaboration of what's going on in my life than my previous post from this afternoon.

having said that, i want to take time to reflect upon the past 24 hrs

last night, while being all "oh i don't want my day to end because i'd much rather watch my four-hour-long movie about angels," i received a chat message from a dear friend reminding me to notify her tomorrow about synod assignment. and a few things rumbled through my head

first off, i had forgotten about this major event in the life of senior mdiv students taking place the next day
second, i began to panic because the ignorance and subsequent bliss ended
third, i began to realize that i had absolutely no idea of what synod i hoped for or would be disappointed if i got. well, there was one synod i didn't really want...but that's another story

i still watched my movie until my eyes closed

then went to class

then chapel

then back to my apartment to eat lunch and take a nap (and finish the movie)

during all of these events i managed to not recall that i could receive a phone call any moment

and then, just as i was about ready to nap, i got a phone call from the bishop of the eastern north dakota synod

so now a few other thoughts rumble through my head:

yes, i'm excited. (sorry, mom, that i'm not going back home to south dakota. lil sisters, this is a good thing so don't make fun.)

no, i have no idea what town or congregation in that synod, so please stop asking me. and i have no idea when i can start interviewing

yes, i found it difficult to pay attention in my classes this afternoon and evening

no, i did not have the cool status of being able to leave class in order to talk to my new bishop

yes, i'm jealous of those who had their phones on vibrate and left in order to learn what comes next

no, i'm not jealous of those who have to wait another week or so to find out

yes, i am now working really hard to not be focused upon planning my ordination and looking for a call instead of doing homework

no, i have not picked out the perfect pair of glasses to compliment the clergy shirt attire (but i will...) so that i will look both chic and pastor-y

yes, i have tomorrow off so i can celebrate with friends

no, my car is still not fixed (but hopefully will be this weekend)

yes, i will probably go wedding dress shopping on saturday

no, i'm not getting married (nor am i close to it)

yes, i should be thinking about preparing for lent at church since it starts next week...

no, i have not killed off my aloe plant or peace lily (although they came really close and are looking shabby right now)

yes, i have a green thumb when it comes to caring for my roomie's plants since they are flourishing like the african violet is about to bloom for the second time since september


no, the title of this post does not mean end as in "the end"

it means: eastern north dakota (end)

synod assignments have been completed for region three of the elca (sorry people from other regions who have to wait a week or more to find out...)

i received a phone call from the bishop of end and am super excited cause i get to live in the dakotas!

and as a friend reminded me, this means i need to purchase snowshoes (cause i loved me the snowshoeing attempt this winter). full backstory: post renting snowshoes for a fun excursion in january, i said that i would have to buy snowshoes (superfun!) if i get assigned to a place where there is snow. and i'm pretty sure that end counts...

wind and low temps, here i come!

bloggin' changes

i have two blogs. and i've been going crazy with making changes on them.

the other one has a new picture as a header. it's pretty and personal since it's of pink flowers that i saw in ireland

if you don't recall, this blog used to be pink. and when i write pink, i mean pink.

but i grew weary of the pink and opted for change.

so i hope you appreciate it.

i also experimented with fonts and chose fun/funky ones that may not be as easy to read. this is because i think that fun/funky works with my intent for the blog (since it's mostly quatsch, anyway)

sorry, but no more changes in the foreseeable future. i like the looks for now

Monday, February 28, 2011

christian music

i really love christian music and artists.

the music because there is a deeper message than most music in the cultural milieu that is overwhelmed by "let's party/do something we shouldn't" (most pop/rock today) or "i lost my wife and my dog and my truck" (how i categorize country or blues) or "#^$*" (rap or metal where i have no idea what they are saying or they have nothing but swearwords)

the artists because once they are off-stage, they revert to normal human beings you could see yourself being friends with.

like this past friday, when luther had several lutheran artists on campus for a "lutheran songs" concert. three hours of amazing music that had meaning. and of course, great times talking with them during intermission or afterwards.

like rachel kurtz who is a lovely, friendly human who would make an awesome friend.

or lost and found, the two who are awkward and yet utterly fun and lovable with their weird sense of humor and profound insights. i really enjoy their antics (which is not limited to telling horrible jokes while finding brilliant names for their cds: this, something, something different, here) as much as their meaning-filled and theological lyrics.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the draft

fyi: drafts are much more exciting when you are not on the list to be drafted

think about it. there you are, sitting and waiting at the whim of the people who pick you...

but if you're on the outside looking in, you can either ignore everything going on (and ignorance is bliss, after all) or you can be involved via empathy/sympathy

we learned about the draft tonight in between eating pizza and cakepops (yummy) and then worshiping together

me and roughly 200 other elca seminarians from seminaries/divinity schools across the country learned yesterday/today where they were assigned in the draft (officially the draft is known as assignment)

i, like a good chunk of my classmates at luther, will be staying in region 3 (minnesota, north dakota, south dakota)

it was interesting to watch reactions as they varied from joy (including one friend who jumped on her chair she was so excited) to acceptance to disappointment.

i personally fell somewhere between acceptance and disappointment. not that i don't love region 3 (cause i do since it's my dear home that i've lived all but a few years in) but deep down i had been hoping to leave my home and experience what the rest of the country has to offer. i was ready to spread my wings and fly away from the "tri-ota" region.

at the same time, i'm excited cause so many of my friends are in my region.

i also won a yo-yo in a raffle tonight. not that it does me any good whatsoever, but i won something

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

warning: serious posting ahead

okay, folks, here's the deal:

tomorrow is a big day in the life of numerous future pastors. (with a few exceptions)

tomorrow is the day when i will be handed an envelope.

and in the envelope will be a number of a region (1-9) of the united states that i will be assigned to after graduation. for example, region 3 of the elca is what i think of as "tri-ota" since it is north dakota, south dakota and minnesota while region 9 is the entire southeast corner of the country.

next step after assignment: finding out which synod i will be sent to.

the next step after synod placement: finding a congregation that i feel called to and that wants to call me.

but first, tomorrow must arrive.

and tomorrow, i will be texting, facebooking, emailing and blogging about where in the country kara will be going to soon enough

Monday, February 21, 2011

snow day!!!!!!!!

i was trying to remember the last time i had a snow day. i know it was in college.

at least, i think i recall one day where classes were cancelled at augie...

for the first time since i started at luther in 2007, i have a snow day!!!!!!!!!

it was announced last night via email (3 of them sent at 9:48, 9:58 and 10:10 pm) and the luther website. and for those who missed the official notices, it was all over facebook as me and my schoolmates went crazy over the fact that we have no school if anyone didn't know by 11pm, it was not for a lack of news spreading like wildfire

want/need proof that i have no classes today?