why is it that life seems to either be rushing by or moving slower than a snail?
the beginning of this week seemed like it would never end. five days of school and classes this week with a major project to be completed as well as three different papers.
but then next week is thanksgiving break. five days off from school. although i will be spending some of those days working on essays or paperwork.
the first three days crawled by. then today happened. and time sped up.
time really does fly when you have fun.
i found out this morning that the faculty has approved me to continue on my merry way towards ordination. this means that i only have to impress the candidacy committee. wish me luck in early january!
but i also had a bittersweet time with my preaching/worship lab. this was our last time together. our lab is over and done for the rest of the semester. we had a good time but it's sad to let that fun end. of course, we still have class for another month. but it's not the same knowing we won't be spending two hours a week as a small group.
and the other excitement is the new harry potter film. i'm going to see it tonight with friends. we'll be traveling all the way to edina, which means that we will have an extra late night. but i'm super excited...and if i get around to it tomorrow in between classes and flying to virginia beach for a wedding, i'll post my thoughts. warning: i'm gonna love it. no matter what. i'm a harry potter fan and i know i'll love it.
i really should be packing for my trip. still have to decide on what to take with to wear to the wedding. have an idea, but still debating. and the sad thing when flying is that you have to pay to bring more than one option...so i need to solidify my decision and throw it in my bag. well, not throw. cause throwing leads to wrinkles. so fold or roll nicely.
that is all for now.
so much going on and i'm loving it!
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