I'm am a procrastinator.
I hear that admitting it is the first step.
Which is where I'm going to stop. (cause i procrastinate. get it?)
Examples of what I do while not doing the overwhelming amount of reading I'm already behind on:
- skipping the third and fourth days of school (for a good reason, aka my grandma's funeral)
- not doing homework last weekend and instead spending time with my family, playing apples to apples
- watching tv shows online (hulu rocks!)
- reading books not on any booklist from class
- going shopping yesterday (ikea, target, dollar tree, barnes and noble) to pick up various supplies for the year like a pocket calendar, plunger, wall clock, cleaning supplies, groceries, etc
- chatting with friends (which is far more important than any course work)
- cleaning and organizing the apartment
- cooking meals and doing the dishes
- blogging
It's hard to believe that I'm back in school again. I mean, it's amazing how easy it is to tell people that I'm a senior M.Div student.
But saying it and having it sink in are two separate things. Because really owning up to it would mean that I ought to be reading for class and writing papers and working on sermons and doing self-care journals. Just to name a few of my assignments.
Because if I were a good student, I would not be procrastinating. But at the same time, I am more than willing to let myself really enjoy this school year and learn what I can. I'm just not going to be all perfectionistic and read everything that I deem unnecessary. It's all about priorities.
And for this procrastinator, being with people and relaxing are far more important than being stressed out because of deadlines.
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