Thursday, August 5, 2010

nostalgia is settling in...

I cannot believe that I will be done in 10 days. Seriously, I only have 10 days left at Bethel Lutheran Church in Bemidji, MN. Today is the 5th of August and my last day is Sunday, August 15.

Where did the year go?

Not that I'm complaining that it's over. Not even close. I'm actually really excited for the next stage of my life. I'm ready to get away from this particular congregation with its conflict and miscommunication. I'm tired of the bickering and the constant fears and the ever-present negativity. I want to be somewhere where there is a sense of optimism and hope and goodness. Not a church where rumors are flying around the entire community that this congregation will be 1) not having VBS, 2) leaving the ELCA, or 3) closing. Among other rumors. But those are the three I have heard recently and know to be false. It's been a long year and I'm ready for something new.

But I really am going to miss parts of it. I'm going to be sad to say good-bye to some dear women who have invited me into their homes and fed me cakes, cookies or other various goodies. I'm going to be sad to say good-bye to some families that have welcomed me into their homes and treated me as a daughter or granddaughter (depending on their ages). I'm going to be sad to say good-bye to the local pastors as they have become my colleagues and friends.

10 days left. And I'm working on making plans to have each day full of various events. Including a potluck tonight, helping to set up VBS table decorations tomorrow, packing on Saturday, preaching and leading worship on Sunday morning (first time flying solo!), going to a county fair in Bagley Sun afternoon, VBS during the evenings Mon-Thurs, going out to eat with the local pastors for Tues lunch, picking up Mariko (college roomie) Tues night, going to Canada on Friday, Relay for Life on Sat 14th, preaching and enjoying a potluck in my honor Sun 15th, moving to St Paul on the 16th, taking Mariko to the bus depot then driving to SD on the 17th, chauffeuring Krissa around the 18-20th. And that is all that I know for sure. There will be more activities that are likely going to fit in as people are really coming to realize that I'm leaving soon.

But here is something I decided to include in my blog. I've never posted any of my newsletter articles on the blog, but I decided to include my final one that I wrote for this month's church newsletter.

Kara’s Last Words (at least in the Beacon…)

Wow. My time is coming to a close. I can hardly believe that I’m writing what will be my last newsletter article for the Beacon. I’m suffering a little shock that my 11 ½ months are almost over. My last Sunday (Aug 15) is but days away…

People keep asking me how I feel about internship ending. I always respond that it’s both good and bad.

Good because I’m ready for the next stage in my life. Ready to go back to school and have some time to reflect upon my experiences. Ready to see my fellow interns again. I may not be ready to sit in lectures and write papers, but I suppose that comes with the territory of being a student.

But bad because there are some people and activities I’m going to miss. I am going to miss Bible studies (whether on Tues afternoon, Wed morning or Thurs evening). I’m going to miss quilting, helping out at the Food Shelf and Soup Kitchen, and delivering Meals on Wheels. I’m going to miss Kid’s Club, Confirmation and youth group. I’m going to miss visiting with people I’ve come to know over the course of my time, whether at church, in homes or during chance meetings around town. There were some activities I did not get to start and/or finish (like ice fishing and curling). And those are just some off the top of my head.

I have been blessed with being able to say that I’ve learned a lot this year. It has been a rough year with a lot of space to learn and grow. I’m not going to lie and say that it was always peachy, but I will say that I appreciate just how much I have learned.
There were some true high points of working with Bethel-ites (pretty sure I just made up a word to name the people from Bethel Lutheran). I loved being able to talk and pray with people, to worship God as a community, to serve the community, and to spend some fun times playing games (like cricket on the lawn).

But there were also times when I struggled with writing sermons, preparing Bible studies, visiting with people, leading worship, etc. I’ve had a few bouts of being too sick and tired to do anything besides sleep (usually due to overextending myself so that I would come down with some virus).

But all of those challenges have helped to strengthen me both as a person of faith and as a future minister. I’ve had to learn (or re-learn) how to set up boundaries, recognize when I need to rest, and give all my worries over to God. I’ve been humbled and chastised at times, but I also have become much stronger in my personal faith and trust in God through the challenges.
Thank you for walking with me on this part of my journey.
Blessings and Peace to you all
Intern Kara Wiechmann

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