Five days ago I posted my sermon from the Sunday that starts off the busiest week in the entire church year: HOLY WEEK.
Which needs to be in all caps cause it's so important and busy.
Yeppers, the fun is going to be in full swing.
For example, Monday and Tuesday I managed to slow down a bit schedule-wise. No meetings to attend.
But Tuesday afternoon I dropped off my vehicle to get the brakes checked out. Cause they were squealing. And squealing brakes are bad. Very bad. Especially when you are preparing the vehicle for a 3000-mile road trip.
The damage: $560 dollars to replace brake pads and roters (sp?) for all 4 tires. I had been hoping that it was only the front ones, but the auto shop said the bad ones were even worse than the front.
So I was without a vehicle for a day. Which is fine since there was not really any place for me to be other than at work or at home.
Last night was the huddle meeting for the confirmation guides so they could plan the last month of confirmation. Which was hosted by yours truly. And I made some of the best beef stroganoff I've ever had. Seriously, it was good. Better than I had ever made before. It should have been amazing since I had it simmering on the stove for 2 1/2 hours. And I opened my three buck chuck (a three dollar bottle of wine whose brand is st charles, hence the name) of merlot to add some flavor. The meeting was fun. Cause who doesn't like to gather with good people to eat food and laugh and joke?
So that was a good day to end my Spy Wednesday.
I had never heard of the Wednesday of HOLY WEEK being called Spy Wednesday before reading a devotional email that morning. I guess it's because of Judas Iscariot's plotting.
Then I had the worst time getting up this morning. Maundy Thursday or April Fools Day. Depending on your preference or tradition, you focus on one or the other. Since I'm not much of a practical joker (at least not this year), I'm going with Maundy Thursday. It might also have to do with the fact that I work at a church...
Anyhoo, today I have stuff planned. This afternoon is my congregation's turn to help out at the Soup Kitchen in town. Nothing like being given a busy day of the week. So I'm going to go help set up, cook and do other prep for the meal tonight. But I can't stay cause of the service tonight. Cause Maundy Thursday is when we celebrate First Communion. And I've been teaching the kids for the past couple months. So not only am I required to be there (something about the pastors should be at worship services or some such nonsense), but I want to be there.
Plus before and after the service there are various music rehearsals. And I should prolly be at them.
One is the Bell Choir practice for Easter Sunday. Cause we are playing one beast of a song. Super fast and not at all easy with its continual triplets switching to eighth notes. And marting (slamming the bell onto the padded table). And being ten pages long.
The other is the choir dress rehearsal for the Good Friday service, which is a musical (well, choir only) retelling of Jesus' last words. Also good to be at.
And that is my schedule for today.
Tomorrow (which in a typical week would be my day off since I get Fridays off) is also being planned. I'm going to visit someone. Then the Good Friday service. Then Easter Vigil begins. Which means that I will be in the church until midnight for those brave souls who decide that they want to have some quiet prayer time in the church.
And Saturday will be even busier since during the morning and evening there is prep for Sunday, afternoon birthday party, Easter Vigil service (prepared and being led by me), and Vigil til midnight.
Sunday will be an early start since Vigil time is 6-8 am. Then two Easter services. Then Easter meal with a local fam.
Then I hope to have down time. Hoping. But not planning on it.
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