Saturday, March 27, 2010

the setting of the sun

as i sit on my couch and work on worship-related planning, i am blinded by the sun

well, the shades are down so i'm not exactly blinded, but it's like looking at the sun through sunglasses. shielded and yet still blinded

but that's not why i'm writing about the sun

today i am happy because the sun is setting in a different location in the sky

for the duration of winter, it set far in the bottom, left-hand corner of my window (aka the south).

but's on the far-right side of the window! yay for the changing of the seasons! and the fact that it's not completely dark before 5's after 7 and still shining strong!

oh, and i know it's getting warmer since i broke out the sandals today. cause that's what i wanted to wear. and my toes didn't turn blue right away. score!

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