so yeah, the last couple weeks have included both highlights and lowlights.
nothing quite like freezing to death due to days where the high is below zero. gotta love nothern minnesota (partially sarcasm since it was absolutely cold but at the same time i prefer cold). i was totally jealous of those folks who got the ridiculous amounts of snow while we just got cold. yes, we have some snow on the ground. but only about 2 inches or so.
the really cold temps would have been much better to handle if i were not sick during the cold front.
being sick was horrible. needing to sleep all the time yet having stuff that needed to be done. spent one day on my couch after waking up at noon with the box of kleenex right by me. never seen so much snot in my life.
then top it all off with coughing attacks that helped me to lose my voice, which is still not fully back.
but i survived.
and that was with two overnights at church when i got little or no sleep. literally little (3 hours on a friday night) or no (0 on a sunday night). and of course such sleep disturbances do not help when getting sick. takes several days to get back to a sleeping rhythm when you have another night to make life difficult.
this past weekend was much better. my dad showed up to help me prepare for an open house i had yesterday. it was fun. i think about 20 or so people from church stopped by for goodies and a chance to chat.
and i still have lots of goodies leftover from it. so i will be munching on caramel corn, toffee, truffles, turtles, chex mix, nacho dip and ham salad for some time.
unless i give it all away.
today was our christmas music and program at church. to sum up my favorite part: kids are funny.
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