Saturday, October 3, 2009


I wish I could think of creative titles for these posts.

Anyhoo, I'm tired. So maybe that's part of it. Last night through this afternoon I was with 14 sophomores and juniors on their confirmation retreat. I had spent the entire day shopping and relaxing since Fridays are my day off, then I was the fortunate one who coordinated the retreat. So I was there. After getting lost (and by lost I mean I was miles away from where I should have been...) and arriving late, I was able to put effort into chaos management.

Let me elaborate:
1. 14 teenagers. I should not need to say more, but I will.
2. Crazy ideas. The resort we were at was along a lake and had a pool, hot tub and sauna. The weather was cold. As in, 40s. Which means that someone thought it would be a good idea for them to jump in the lake (and I cannot imagine the water being warmer than 40 degrees), run up the hill and jump in the hot tub. Which means that all but 3 did. Insane, but they found it amusing.
3. Fire. That's right, we had a campfire. Cause that is what should happen at retreats. Of course, it had been raining off and on for the last couple days. Which meant that the wood and firepit were wet, but there were a couple of troopers (and not the kind that works for the state highway department) who were able to get a roaring fire going. Until it started to rain again. Which means that our worship was relocated and ended. Which means that their focus was completely broken and I was sad since it was going so well.

At the same time, I did enforce the bedtime, and was quite surprised that none of them compained since they were all falling asleep by 1 am. Weak. Very weak. Even I had gone to bed the night before at 3. But I admit that I was ready for bed by then.

This morning I made a lot of pancakes and eggs. Which was an experience since I had never made pancakes before. I had eaten a lot of them, but never made them. Sad, I know, but such has been my existence. I went from novice to expert pancake maker in one morning. So not only can I make awesome brownies (which I had brought with yesterday) but I can make breakfast food.

At the end, I did not have one kid say they had a horrible time. None of them complained that I read a picture book to them. Most thanked me and said they had fun.

So in other words, SUCCESS!!!!

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