Did I ever mention that I like the letter "Q"? By far the most underrated letter ever...
I feel that everyone should be able to know about some of the amazing events that go on while the intern pastor. And because of this, I will begin listing my faves.
So here goes:
1. I had a flying lesson. Seriously. My supervisor and I flew from Bemidji to Fargo (well, Moorhead really) with me controlling the plane essentially after take off and before landing. And some of the taxi-ing. Be reassured that I did not cause the plane to crash.
2. Back story: the horror/inspirational stories from internship always include stories about how single people are always being set up by the old ladies in the congregation.
Complete story: Well, this happened to me on the third day after starting my internship. While at the senior center preparing to venture out in order to deliver Meals on Wheels, the organist of my congregation told me a little bit about her grandson, who just so happens to be my age. It turns out that she has been plotting and planning ever since she saw my bio in the church newsletter. And so, one of the weeks, if she can manage to convince her grandson to go to church, she will introduce us. As she informed me of this, I did all I could to keep from laughing since I thought it was absolutely fantastic and amazing timing. I held in the laughter until later, then proceeded to make the mistake of letting my supervisor know what had happened. And he likes to tease me about the young man who is "practically engaged" to me.
3. Today, while out on an errand to pick out a gun that will be raffled off in about a week, three of us pile into a pickup truck. This truck has some amazing quirks. Like doors that don't really close and seat belts that are difficult to operate and latch. While attempting to get the seat belt to extend so that she could latch it, the comment was that it was like a lamb that didn't want to come out and needed to be pulled. Not quite a comparison that I would have ever drawn for myself.
4. I tried to teach 3rd graders how to look up Bible verses. Note to self: have them play a running game first since they are all coming straight from school where they have not been active at all. Nothing like trying to control the chaos that is a group of 9-year-olds with energy to spare. At one point, the calmest of the bunch exclaimed that he was frustrated. When I asked him why, he informed me that he was frustrated because the others had too much energy and were all talking at once while not behaving. I love children.
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